Self-Publishing Success Stories You Need to Hear About

7 min readMay 19, 2017


It goes without saying that the ebook market is evolving and this trend brought along another interesting phenomenon in the digital publishing industry named as self-publishing.

However, this is not a new thing. It’s the technology that has changed over the years. Publishing their own ebooks has never been easier for authors. Self-publishing has become a vital part of the publishing industry and has proven to give many writers a jump start in their career. There are quite a few successful self-published authors out there who actually can make a living off doing that.

Indie publishing lets authors achieve a much greater earning potential and allows them to write whatever they want finding niche audiences with their books.

Authors who were rejected and then became successful self-publishers

Many self-published authors got rather successful after they were turned down by a traditional publisher. Michael J. Sullivan’ story was just like that. He wrote for ten years in a variety of genres, but no publisher was interested to publish his books, so he ended up quitting writing. A few years later he wrote a fantasy series and self-published it.

Amanda Hocking’s success story is also interesting and worth knowing: She wrote 17 novels while working at a full-time job. She self-published them all as ebooks selling more than a million copies.

Ashwin Sanghi, the author of bestselling novels such as The Rozabal Line, has also turned to self-publishing after being rejected by dozens of publishers. Unwilling to give up on his dream, he decided to go to the self-publishing way, and the book is now a bestseller.

And the list can continue with many more examples of authors becoming successful self-publishers. And they all have one thing in common: they are confident in their work and agree that indie-publishing is the future. Nothing proves this better than some statistics: 40% of all ebook revenue is going to indie authors, and self-published books accounted for 31% of all ebook sales in the Kindle Store in 2014. According to the trends in 2016, indie books represent 27% of books on Amazon’s ebook bestseller list.

Three authors who made millions by self-publishing

In the following, we collected three writers who have become not only successful but also got quite wealthy after turning to self-publishing.

First, meet Amanda Hocking, a writer of paranormal fiction who started her writing career as an unknown author and has become a bestseller when deciding on self-publishing on Amazon Kindle.

But the road to success wasn’t easy for her. She had a day job caring for disabled people to make ends meet and a night job when she was writing until dawn. By 2010 she had a total of 17 unpublished novels all of which have been rejected by book agents and publishers. At that time she was out of money and frustrated having spent years trying to interest traditional publishers in her work.

A few days after publishing her vampire novel, My Blood Approves, on Amazon’s website, she started selling nine copies a day. A few weeks later she published three further books to the series. Sales went up to more than $4,000 followed by $6,000 in pure profit, so she ended up quitting her job.

Being a self-published author and her own boss allowed her to set the prices of her books. She decided to sell the first book of the series for 99 cents to attract readers and then she increased the price to $2,99 for each sequel. However, this is still much lower than the $10 charged for printed books she was able to keep a much bigger royalty (30% for the 99-cent books, 70% for the $2,99 editions) versus the 10–15% publishing houses would pay her. Later on, she decided to sign a deal with two publishers in the US and UK which proves that traditional and self-publishing can live in harmony.

Rob Dirks self-published his first science fiction novel, Where the Hell is Tesla? , and it got sold 10,000 copies in the first twelve months after being rejected by publishers. He claims it wasn’t luck and here are five things he learned from it:

  1. Write your best book: give it a time, do your homework, hire professionals if you need help and make it exceptional.
  2. Build your platform: connect with readers, use social media, email list to build your audience.

a. Website: If you are going to self-publish a book, you will need a website where your readers will be able to contact you. Having a website is also a great way to spread the word about your work and connect with fans. Here is his website:
b. Social media: his advice is not to overdo it, just stick with the ones you think is necessary and you feel right for you. Let’s say you have graphic novel which is very visual, then use Facebook and Pinterest. If it is a non-fiction use Twitter. For example, John Scalzi (@scalzi) is a successful sci-fi writer with a huge Twitter fan base.

c. Amazon author and book pages: if you decide to self-publish on Amazon, use everything they have. Put keywords list on your book sales page on Amazon, use key phrases in your book description. In one word: take advantage of simple features that can help your books get discovered.

d. Email list: grow your email list by starting blogging, posting, tweeting and use a software like MailChimp to manage your email list and build campaigns.

  1. Book reviews and exposure: he looked up reviewers on Amazon, Goodreads and reached out to provide a review in exchange for a complimentary copy of the book.
  2. Promote your book: he used paid advertising such as Facebook/Instagram ads, Google Ads, Amazon ads. He ran paid ebook promotions through book promotion sites that send out daily emails to their subscribers such as BookGorilla, FussyLibrarian, BargainBooksy, Booksends, Ereader News Today.
  3. Record an audiobook: according to Rob, there are lots of options for getting narrators and producers to help you record an audiobook. Audiobooks continue to be on the rise with 148% sales growth from 2015 to 2015 and audiobooks can be a significant percentage of your sales.

Arguably the most well-known self-publishing success story is E.L. James’ 50 Shades of Grey trilogy. She self-published the first book in 2011 as an ebook and print (on demand paperback) through an independent publisher. What began as Twilight fan-fiction, soon became a world-known bestseller.

Despite the mixed critical responses, Fifty Shades of Grey alone has sold over 100 million copies worldwide, and the book holds the record for the fastest selling paperback which made her the richest of self-published authors.

She promoted the book on by publishing episodic pieces based on the Twilight series. Another thing that has helped the book became world known is how accessible it is. Erotic novels are popular, and commercial books have a good chance at finding a readership.

She already established a following of fans by offering her writing for free on websites. She had readers who wanted to read more, so she wrote more. Remember, you need to build a reader base and to get that you need to give away some writing for free and then publish.

As you can see by now, authors have different reasons to self-publish their books. Some turn to self-publishing after being rejected from traditional publishing houses, others decide to sidestep the judgment of traditional publishers and self-publish. Whatever you choose it is good to keep in mind that if traditional publishers accept your manuscript, they will dictate the terms.

When you self-publish, you get to be the boss. You get to decide everything related to your book from editing, through designing and formatting all the way to promoting and distributing.

Remember: all the hard work will be worth it when your self-published book is finished, and you’re an official published author.

A self-publishing success story from PublishDrive

To finish off the topic here’s a success story to share from PublishDrive: our long-time partner, a Romanian publishing company launched in 2010 claims 25% of our catalogue.
According to a Romanian industry professional, it was a small market with only a few players back then but with a tremendous potential for development.

Elefant had the advantage of being the first one on the market and got ahead by being reacting fast to the changing environment. The ebook segment is a small market and started to grow in 2012. Elefant set foot in the market in that year when there was no competition at all. Now, there are several players and approximately 10 out of 12 publishing houses have started to publish ebook versions of their books.

The Romanian ebook market is steadily growing, the revenue in the ebook segment amounts to 5 million USD in 2017. The user penetration is at 5,1% in 2017 and is expected to hit 8,6% in 2021.

Elefant took advantage of the growing ebook market and constantly focusing on improving its catalogue. And it seems to be working for them. They were able to produce a 230% increase in revenue between June-October 2016 and have continuously grown their sales numbers with PublishDrive.

Look how their sales increased since they’ve been working with PublishDrive:

Sales growth between May-October 2016

Happy publishing!

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Originally published at on May 19, 2017.




Written by PublishDrive

The leading ebook publishing platform powered with business intelligence, artificial intelligence and machine learning to increase ebook sales globally.

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